I still see a few psychotherapy clients in my home office with an orientation influenced by Freud, May, Maslow, Rogers, and Krishnamurti.
I love my two daughters and son, my dachshund, my old house, garden and large tree-enclosed yard, but never go in the pool and gave up tennis, skiing and sailing.
I write serious and light poems, some published in journals and collected in books, some translated into other languages. Robert Frost and Ogden Nash are among my "mentors."
I keep in touch with friends and colleagues around the world, including Russia, Australia and China, and with former students from UCLA, Pepperdine and Saybrook.
I am a lifelong fan of Bix Beiderbecke, Johnny Dodds, King Oliver, Louis Armstrong, and Bessie Smith.

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(818) 784-2895 home
(818) 681-1661 cell

After earning my Ph.D. I practiced psychotherapy and management consulting in the same office for 59 years. I was also a professor at Saybrook University, UCLA, and Pepperdine.
Other professional activities included being Editor of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology for 35 years, and consulting at clinics. While active in peace psychology and citizen diplomacy during the Cold War I made five trips to the Soviet Union.
I am a Fellow of five divisions of the American Psychological Association, and Poet Laureate of the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry. Awards include the Bühler Award, Szasz Award, Pathfinder Award.
I continue a part-time private practice at my home and write light and serious poetry, some available
in books. My last collection of published poety is Fruits & Veggies I Have Known.



"When we do quit will we rest in the satisfaction that the music was good, the life was good, and someone new will pick up the horn"?
Jazz Poems
Copyright © 2020 by Tom Greening. All rights reserved.